Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Staff Series

Seton Staff Profile – Jim Shanley


A favorite part of Jim Shanley’s job is introducing ‘Featured Families’ to the Seton community,” he says. “Each family has an encouraging story to tell.”

“I loved growing up in South Florida but when Betsy and I started homeschooling our children, we began searching for a locale that met three criteria. We were looking for a four-season climate, a homeschool friendly area, and a diocese rich in vocations.”

The Shanleys found those ingredients in Front Royal, Virginia, home of Seton Home Study School.

“Seton was one of my customers for the Holy Traders saint trading cards I had created. In a conversation with Seton’s Purchasing Director, I was offered a job at Seton.” Jim and Betsy prayed on it, said yes, and never looked back.

Now a father of nine, Jim has worked at Seton for 21 years in various capacities. As Marketing Director, he helps put together the Seton Magazine, catalogs, and promotional materials.

Jim is an affable man who clearly loves what he is doing. “One of the favorite parts of my job is bringing ‘Featured Families’ to the attention of the Seton community,” he says. “Each of our families is unique and has an encouraging story to tell.”

Here he pauses, and then adds, “I love helping people make what they are passionate about a reality.” He gives as an example helping general counselor Cecilia Sauer, take the Connect with Seton Families program to a new level. The program brings together families using Seton in the same geographical area for support and help.

“With a little tweaking, we were able to automate the process for Cecilia. That allowed her to reach so many more families in short order. Over 1,000 Seton families have signed up in less than a year!”

“Cecilia had the vision for Connect with Seton Families, and I just helped make that happen. When people have the know-how and a good idea, sometimes it just takes someone to add a little weight to tip the scales and make their dream come true. I feel blessed when I can fill that role.“

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