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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Staff Series: Esther Williams – Seton Testing Services


Esther answers Seton Testing customer questions clearly, helping them choose the proper tests to measure progress toward success in school or college.

I was born on the tiny Catholic island of Malta in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, where St. Paul was shipwrecked and brought us the faith. My family immigrated to the U.S.A. when I was two.

My parents wanted to give us a better future, as did so many immigrants who make up our great nation. My father joined the family business in Michigan and worked in the automotive industry. In 1984, my family moved back to Malta. In 2003, I met my American husband, and God brought me back to the U.S.A.

Bill’s job move brought us to Virginia and closer to family. I am blessed because my deep Catholic roots and opportunities to work internationally in Europe and the U.S.A. have strengthened my skills in working with other cultures and languages. I think international experience requires adaptability and resilience, challenging your willingness to step out of your comfort zone.

Serving Seton Families

During my nine-year tenure here at Seton, I have worked in several departments. These different positions have given me a well-rounded understanding of how all the departments contribute to and aid homeschoolers and their families. I began as a Conference Coordinator then as a Customer Service representative at Seton Educational Media.

Currently, I’m serving in the Seton Testing Department, where our team aims to deliver sterling service. I try to handle customer questions with ease and clarity. I love knowing and aiding families in choosing the proper tests that measure their students progress to succeed in school or college. It brings me great satisfaction and allows me to use my talents.

My favorite compliment is “You’ve been extremely helpful; thank you.” That thank you is a small gesture that holds great power. I would encourage students or parents to ask for help when needed. There is no shame in seeking help. People are always willing to assist or direct you in the right direction.

What We Love to Do

I love to hike, enjoy the outdoors, and travel. Volunteering brings me joy and satisfaction, whether creating altar flower arrangements with our parish flower guild, cooking someone a meal, or hosting our monthly home neighborhood rosary.

When we give, we receive much more than we have given. Bill and I also volunteer with the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in Washington, DC and are secular Carmelites.

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