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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Staff Series: Sean Hilbert – Academic Counselor


Academic Counselor Sean Hilbert is passionate about Catholic education and helping Seton families stay on track.

In my role with Seton, I offer guidance, encouragement, and support to homeschooling families. Whether it’s helping with curriculum choices, providing tips on staying organized, or simply lending a listening ear, my goal is to make their homeschooling experience smoother and more successful.

I was drawn to Seton because of its strong commitment to upholding the truths of the Catholic faith, which resonates with my love for authentic Catholic education.

In a world that often challenges the Church, it’s very refreshing to find Seton, which not only provides solid academic instruction but also nurtures the spiritual and moral growth of its students. This approach to education is greatly important to me, and I wanted to be part of an institution that emphasizes the importance of both virtuous learning and virtuous living.

Some Background

Regarding my background, I graduated from Christendom College with a Bachelor of Arts in History, where I wrote my thesis on the Second World War.

This academic experience allowed me to delve into the history of the West while deepening my understanding of how faith and reason intersect in the study of history. I have many other interests, from freelance writing to engaging in pseudo-philosophical conversations with friends. Aside from that, I also make it a priority to stay active and work out whenever I can.

My connection to Seton is not just professional but personal. I spent my middle and high school years at Seton School in Manassas, VA, which Anne Carroll ran. For those who don’t know, Mrs. Carroll was heavily involved with the founding of Seton Home Study, and there’s a fair bit of overlap in their curricula. My family has also been involved with Seton Home Study for many years—in fact, my youngest brother is set to graduate soon!

Challenges of Homeschooling

Homeschooling can be overwhelming. Having a supportive network can make all the difference in the world. I am honored to be a part of that network and to help families navigate the challenges of homeschooling.

A life lesson I’ve learned in my time at Seton is the value of perseverance. There are many moments when things don’t go as planned, but I’ve come to realize that persistence, patience, and adaptability are key to overcoming challenges.

This lesson is vital in my work with Seton families, as I encourage them to keep pushing forward, even when faced with difficulty. Knowing that I’ve been able to help others find their way and stay on track is a deeply fulfilling part of my work. It’s a reminder that, with faith and determination, we can face whatever comes our way.

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