Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

The Seton Speaker Series: Strengthening Faith & Family


Join the Catholic Homeschool Parent Retreat series for spiritual guidance and practical advice to deepen your faith and homeschool mission.

Homeschool Parent Retreat

The Catholic Homeschooling Parent Retreat six-part series offers homeschooling families a rich spiritual and practical foundation to strengthen their faith and mission. Each presentation addresses key aspects of Catholic family life, homeschooling, and personal holiness.

Talk 1 – Confession: What impedes us from receiving the mercy of God?

In this profound Lenten reflection, Father Andrew Clark of the Diocese of Arlington shares advice on freeing ourselves from the obstacles that prevent us from fully receiving God’s Mercy in the Sacrament of Confession.

Father Clark, grandson of Dr. Mary Kay Clark, speaks from his experience hearing confessions to address the common fears that keep the faithful away from Christ’s sacrament of forgiveness. With compassion and gentle humor, he recounts an encounter with a woman who hadn’t confessed in decades for fear of judgment and explains how our sins are not unique but rather common patterns in our fallen nature.

This reflection explores three primary barriers to authentic repentance:

  • The illusion of control that prevents us from surrendering to God.
  • The paralyzing fear that drives us to protect ourselves rather than trust in Divine Mercy.
  • The burden of shame that keeps us bound to sins already forgiven.

Father Clark offers particular insight into how these struggles uniquely manifest for homeschooling mothers and fathers in their vocations. His message encourages every Catholic to embrace the transformative power of Confession, especially during the penitential season of Lent, so that we might fully receive the joy of Easter with hearts purified and open to Christ’s love.

Perfect for parents seeking to deepen their spiritual life while guiding their children in the Faith. Join the Seton Homeschool family this Lent as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the Resurrection truly.

Fr. Andrew Clark is the second of eight children. He was homeschooled before attending Christendom College, where he graduated in 2014 with a B.A. in History. He entered seminary formation for the Diocese of Arlington in 2017 and was ordained a priest on June 3, 2023. He is assigned as parochial vicar to Blessed Sacrament Parish in Alexandria, VA. He is privileged to be one of Dr. Mary Kay Clark’s many grandchildren.

Other Talks in the Homeschool Parent Retreat

Talk 2 – Spiritual Life of Mothers: Fr. Blank focuses on how homeschooling can strengthen mothers’ spiritual journeys amid daily responsibilities. Available 3/19/25

Talk 3 – Vocations & Homeschooling: Fr. Andrew offers how homeschooling nurtures a strong discernment process, aiding in discovering God’s call. Available 3/26/25

Talk 4 – Breathing Catholic Air: Fr. Boquet encourages parents to create a Catholic home environment that fosters children’s intellectual, moral, and spiritual growth. Available 4/02/25

Talk 5 – The Dignity of the Immortal Soul: Fr. Blank presents St. Robert Southwell’s poetry as a guide for families to contemplate the soul’s eternal destiny. Available 4/09/25

Talk 6 – Raising a Pro-Family Generation: Fr. Boquet discusses strategies for upholding Catholic family values in a society that often challenges them. Available 4/16/25

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