Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

This Is Why We Homeschool – The Ochoa Family


“I heard about Seton on Catholic radio and that the curriculum is very Catholic and academically challenging. It sounded like something that would fit our family.”

With homeschooling, our children can focus on the things they love! We don’t have to hold them back. There are no limitations to feeding their love of learning and helping them grow.

Another major benefit is the sibling bond between my children. It is such a blessing seeing them learn and grow together!

1. What do you love most about homeschooling?

I love being able to spend more time with my children. We are creating lifelong memories and building unbreakable bonds.

2. What inspired you to begin homeschooling?

I’ve always wanted to homeschool, but I was hesitant until Covid happened and forced my hand.

When we finished with “distant learning,” we knew we wanted to homeschool full-time. Time is so valuable, and these kids grow quicker than weeds. We want to spend as much time together as we can.

3. What have you found to be the greatest benefit of homeschooling?

The one-on-one time with each child has helped us understand how our children learn and customize their curriculum to their needs.

Another major benefit is the sibling bond between my children. It is such a blessing seeing them learn and grow together!

4. How has homeschooling allowed your child to develop their potential?

My children can spend more time on the things they love! We don’t have to wait and hold them back. There are no limitations to feeding into their love of learning and helping them grow.

5. Why did you choose Seton Home Study School?

I heard about Seton on Catholic radio. It sounded like something that would fit our family. The curriculum is very Catholic and academically challenging. My children have been enjoying it for 4+ years now.

6. What do you love most about Seton Home Study School?

I love the books, lesson plans, and the MySeton site to keep track of work & grades.

The Ochoa Family, Goodyear, Arizona

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