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Why Test? 10 Benefits of Standardized Testing for Homeschoolers


Standardized testing isn’t required for every homeschooling family, but consider the value of these ten benefits to your student’s academic journey.

To test or not to test? This question arises for many homeschooling families every school year. For some, the answer is straightforward due to state requirements. For others, it may not be as clear-cut.

If you’re considering whether standardized testing would be a valuable addition to your homeschooling journey, let’s explore the benefits and why we recommend it.

Build Test-Taking Skills

Exposure to standardized tests helps students build valuable test-taking strategies, time management, and problem-solving skills useful in future academics and careers.

Reduce Anxiety

Most of us have experienced taking a standardized test—filling out a Scantron bubble test sheet with a No. 2 pencil in a quiet room.

Test-taking is an inevitable part of life, whether for the SAT, ACT, college entrance, career certifications, or professional licensing. Introducing standardized testing in a homeschool setting helps students become familiar with the process, reducing anxiety and boosting confidence for future exams.

Unbiased Assessment

Homeschooling parents often wonder, “Is my child on track?”

Standardized testing provides an unbiased assessment, reassuring that your student is excelling.

Scholarship Opportunities

High standardized test scores can qualify students for merit-based scholarships and financial aid programs.

Here’s a tip: Check out, a free scholarship search platform.

Discover Weaknesses

In our experience, Seton students consistently perform well on standardized tests. If scores indicate areas needing improvement, testing helps pinpoint specific subjects requiring extra attention.

This focus allows parents to assess their child’s strengths and weaknesses compared to peers, identify areas needing improvement, make necessary adjustments, and ensure their child stays on the right academic path.

Highlight Strengths

Standardized testing can serve as a valuable tool for identifying students’ strengths by providing a clear, objective measure of their abilities in key academic areas.

These assessments evaluate like reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving. By comparing student performance to a consistent set of criteria, standardized tests highlight where a student excels, whether in specific subjects or cognitive tasks.

Parents can use these insights to tailor teaching strategies to nurture strengths and help students to recognize their talents, boost their confidence and guide academic or potential career paths.

State Requirements

Some states require periodic standardized testing for homeschoolers to demonstrate academic progress and comply with homeschooling laws.

Prepare for the Unexpected

One of the advantages of homeschooling is its flexibility, allowing for unique and personalized learning experiences. However, life is unpredictable. If circumstances require your child to transition into a traditional school, having documented test results can prove their academic progress.

“Good Student” Discounts

Teen car insurance can be costly, but good student discounts help. Standardized test scores may qualify as proof, reducing your costs.

Objective Validation

Test results provide an independent measure of a student’s abilities, which can be useful when applying for internships, dual enrollment programs, or jobs that require academic proof.

Bottom Line – Peace of Mind

While testing isn’t mandatory for every homeschooling family, its advantages, from easing test anxiety and documenting progress to securing financial benefits can provide peace of mind. Consider whether incorporating standardized testing into your homeschool routine could be valuable for your student’s academic journey. If you have questions about testing options, contact Seton Testing Services. We are knowledgeable and want to help.

About Felicity Smoot

Felicity Smoot
Felicity Smoot is the Assistant Director of Seton Testing Services, a former homeschool student, and holds a B.S. in Psychology from Old Dominion University. She enjoys going on outdoor adventures with her three kids, traveling, long distance running, and reading historical fiction.

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