If you discern that homeschooling is God’s Will for your family, do not doubt your ability to do it. Remember, “with God all things are possible.”We first became inspired to homeschool when Cheri’s aunt wrote a research paper about homeschooling. We also had friends who started homeschooling their little boy.
Each of them brought to our attention the benefits of homeschooling, so when it came time for our oldest child to begin school, we decided that homeschooling would be the best option and started by using Seton Home Study.
Life as a Homeschooling Family
Our family includes our seven children, aged 23 to 2, and now includes two grandchildren! Chris is an owner of an in-home service that cares for the elderly.
Our two oldest children are homeschool graduates. Our oldest child is now married and has a one-year-old daughter and another baby girl due to be born in the spring. Our second oldest is attending a local college.
We presently have three homeschoolers: a daughter preparing to graduate in the spring, a son who is a freshman, and a son who is in sixth grade. Our youngest two are ages 3 and 2.
Each day of homeschooling is different and brings new graces, achievements, and challenges. We never get bored! The older children sometimes help teach the younger ones and take turns being with the toddlers so Mom can work one-on-one. Homeschooling truly is a family effort, as everyone plays a role in making it work.
The Blessings of Homeschooling
There are many benefits to homeschooling, but the biggest is the time it allows us to be together as a family. It allows our family to form a special bond and to be together in the ups and downs, joys and suffering, and special, once-in-a-lifetime moments of life.
It especially allows us to pray together as a family and share in the Mystical Body of Christ as we make an offering of our work each day.
Homeschooling also enables us to live out the church’s liturgical year, celebrating and honoring the saints and feast days. Other benefits include the ability to travel while homeschooling and the flexibility to choose when our school breaks will be.
We chose Seton Home Study School because it is solid and firmly rooted in the truths and teachings of the Catholic Church.
Its comprehensive curriculum—including lesson plans, textbooks, grading services, and support services—has provided structure while allowing us to adapt to our family’s needs.
Overcoming Challenges
One challenge in our homeschooling experience is staying motivated and on track. Seton has helped us overcome this challenge through its consistency and lesson plans. If we have a rough day or fall behind in a particular subject, the lesson plans allow us to pick up where we left off. They also give us flexibility to make adjustments or modifications to customize in a way that works for us.
Prayer and our faith have been the foundations of our homeschooling experience. We weave our day with prayer. We begin with morning offering prayers and strive to begin and end each subject with prayer, calling upon the help of Our Blessed Mother, the Holy Spirit, and patron saints.
We strive to pray the Angelus, the Rosary, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet each day and end our day with prayers at night.
When people comment on our homeschooling and say words such as, “I don’t know how you do it!” Cheri often responds, “We give thanks to God for His graces and His mercy, and we pray our way through!”
Encouragement for Families
Homeschooling has allowed our children to develop their potential by giving them the time and flexibility to pursue their interests, gifts, and talents.
One of the greatest joys of being a homeschooling parent is witnessing the unfolding, unwrapping, and opening up of the gifts and talents that God has given each child—whether it be nurturing God’s creation, playing a musical instrument, or pursuing a new hobby such as carpentry or beekeeping.
Beyond academics, homeschooling fosters growth in virtue. Our children learn to love and serve God by loving and serving one another. It is a means of sanctifying our souls as we strive to teach, help, and support each other every day.
For families considering homeschooling, our advice is to pray. Spend time with Our Lord to discern the Will of God and ask for Our Blessed Mother’s intercession for the grace to know and do His Will. It is also helpful to speak with other homeschoolers in your area and review textbooks beforehand, either through other homeschoolers or at a homeschool conference.
If you discern that homeschooling is God’s Will for your family, do not doubt your ability to do it. Remember, “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). If it is His Will, He will provide the necessary graces to carry it out.
A Mission to Serve and Help Our Elders
Editor’s Note: Since many homeschooling families are called to care for elderly parents, and as Chris has decades of professional experience, we asked if he would share reflections on Catholic values in elder care.
Imparting Catholic Values
“Being an owner of a home care company has helped my Catholic faith grow in many ways and has also helped me realize how important our Catholic values are. My wife and I view our business as a mission to serve and help the elderly and vulnerable in our community.
Many of our clients are lonely, battling different ailments, and nearing the end of their lives. It is an opportunity for us to serve and help them in many ways, especially by allowing them to remain in their homes with dignity and respect and providing the best care possible.
Our employees are our hands and feet in this mission by providing and helping with activities of daily living and, equally important, showing the elderly and vulnerable compassion, understanding, and companionship that they need so much during this time in their lives. After more than 28 years in business, I have also realized that we, along with all of our employees, get something just as important back in return, which is the opportunity to serve these amazing people.
Witnessing Amazing Life Stories
The elderly have so much to offer back in their wisdom, faith, and amazing life stories, including the tremendous sufferings they have lived through. I have witnessed a deep faith and perseverance in these people that sometimes is lacking so much in our world today.”