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Your Questions Answered: How do I choose the best math program?


How do I choose the best math program? How does Teaching Textbooks work? Should I use Standardized Testing? The Seton counselors have the answers.

How do I choose the best math program for my child from the different options Seton offers?

Yes, you’re right! Seton provides multiple math options at different grade levels to accommodate various learning styles. Let’s go through the choices by grade level.

Elementary (Grades K-5)

Our default math program for these grades is Seton’s Math for Young Catholics, a workbook-based program designed to suit most students. The workbooks are organized by topic and include chapter reviews at the end of each section. Practice problems incorporate material from previous chapters to reinforce learning.

If your child needs extra practice, we also offer MCP Math for grades K-6. This program follows a similar workbook format but generally provides more practice problems per lesson than Math for Young Catholics while covering the same core material.

Additionally, parents may choose the Saxon program, which is available for lower elementary grades (K-3).

Saxon Math is a multi-book program that incorporates manipulatives, making it an excellent option for families who prefer hands-on learning. However, it requires significant preparation from the parent or teacher. The program consists of a student workbook, a teacher’s manual, and a meeting book with scripted lessons for parents to follow. It’s important to note that Saxon is a pricier option, costing over $100.

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

Starting in grade 6, students can choose between Teaching Textbooks (the default) and Saxon.

Teaching Textbooks:

This interactive online program features short animated video lessons with voiceover explanations. The program provides immediate feedback. If an answer is incorrect, the program offers hints and allows the student to try again.

Teaching Textbooks records grades for daily lessons and chapter tests to minimize grading and record-keeping.


We offer the home study kit as the original hardback Saxon textbooks are no longer available for retail purchase. If you already own a hardback edition, let us know which version you have, and we will provide the appropriate tests.

Parents can choose between the Teaching Textbooks software program, the Teaching Textbooks book, or the Saxon books.

High School (Grades 9-12)

The high school math options remain the same as for middle school: Teaching Textbooks (the default) and Saxon. Both programs follow the same formats as described above.

Choosing the Best Option

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your child’s learning style and what works best for your family. Many parents of middle school students appreciate the ease of Teaching Textbooks, as the program handles grading and record-keeping automatically. On the other hand, some families prefer Saxon because writing out the problems helps reinforce concepts more effectively.

If you have any questions about our math programs, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re happy to help!

Laura Clark, Academic Counselor

Does Seton offer the IOWA E standardized test online? I’ve done paper testing. Should I switch to online?

We recommend the new online version for several reasons:

Online Testing:

The test is available through Seton Testing Services and is administered online through a secure browser, making it easier since you don’t need to worry about waiting for paper materials or dealing with shipping costs. The test is compatible with devices like Chromebooks and iPads.

Virtual Administration:

Seton staff will virtually supervise the test, while the parent serves as the in-room proctor. This setup ensures that everything stays secure while the student takes the test.


If technical issues or questions arise during the test, Seton offers support through phone, email, and chat to help resolve them quickly.

Fast Results:

You’ll receive your test results by the Tuesday after your testing week, which is a speedy turnaround compared to paper testing.

Discount for Seton Enrolled Families

Use Coupon Code SEHF2025 for a 10% discount.

Felicity Smoot, Assistant Director of Seton Testing Services

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