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Graduation 2024

Congratulations Seton Graduates of 2024: Building Futures on Strong Foundations


The one, holy, catholic, and apostolic faith has been the foundation of everything these Seton graduates have achieved here. Go forth to spread the Faith.

When Seton held its first graduation, 35 graduates and their families attended. Graduations have grown ever larger, and this year, at our 18th graduation ceremony, we had 165 graduates and families representing 35 states, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, and the Philippines. 27 graduates are from Virginia, 18 are from Texas, 12 are from New Jersey, eight are from Florida, Georgia, and Michigan, seven are from Maryland, North Carolina, and New York, and five are from Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.

Kyle McBride

Kyle McBride

Many Grads – One Goal

Graduates and their families came from many different places but with the same goal — to celebrate this day, this accomplishment, together.

Graduation Day was truly a day of celebration for all of us associated with Seton Home Study School. Homeschooling can feel like something of a solitary business.

It can seem that parents and students strive and work on their own, not feeling a connection to others who are similarly working and striving.

I have sometimes felt isolated as a longtime homeschooling mother, but that is not the reality. All the students, parents, teachers, graders, and staff of Seton are connected.

We are all working toward the same goal through the same means. We all understand the importance of a Catholic education for the individual, society, and the Church. What we each do in our homes has a cumulative effect on the Church and society, an effect that sometimes we do not see and sometimes we underestimate or even forget but which is real nonetheless.

Travis Rodriguez

Travis Rodriguez

With an enrollment of more than 15,000 students, Seton Home Study School is the largest Catholic high school and grade school in the United States. Over the last 35 years, more than 135,000 students have enrolled with Seton. The alumni of Seton would fill Yankee Stadium 3 times over.

As we see the various troubles in our society, students enriched with a solid Catholic education are a reason for hope. Whatever college they attend or whatever field they labor in, they will bring this solid foundation with them.

Seton graduates are an inspiring group. They have served their families and their Church. They have worked to improve the world through political action, volunteering, and helping others.

Corporal Workers of Mercy

These grads have fed the hungry and given drink to the thirsty. They have counseled the doubtful and comforted the afflicted. They have been active in society through participation in sports, scouting, youth groups, and church ministries. They have traveled on mission trips and pilgrimages.

This group has truly lived the corporal works of mercy. St. John Paul II said, “For we are at our best, we are most fully alive and human, when we give away freely and sacrificially our very selves in love for another.” Reading the bios of these young people, you can see that they are already living these words.

Many of these young people are continuing their education and have received numerous academic awards and scholarships to help them on their way. We are especially gratified that two young men here will enter the seminary after graduation.

We have pilots, musicians and artists, writers and athletes, an equestrian, gamers, a goldsmith, a blacksmith, and champion dancers.

Vivian Ruiz

Vivian Ruiz

This class has future teachers, doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers, farmers, hair stylists, actors, and novelists. Most importantly, many of them will become mothers and fathers. The biographies we have printed only touch the surface, and if we could know each of these accomplished young people as their friends and families know them, their lives and accomplishments would seem even more impressive.

Through Grace and Effort

These remarkable graduates have reached this day through much hard work and commitment. But it was not that alone that brought them to this place. Through the grace of God and their parents’ hard work and sacrifice, they had the opportunity to accomplish such impressive things.

 Lori DeCesare

Lori DeCesare

Their parents decided to protect them from the damaging agendas of secular society to preserve the innocence of their minds and bodies while feeding them a diet of beautiful music, art, and literature. They exposed their children to the glory of God’s creation through math and science, and they taught them to love their country and to know the rights and responsibilities of citizenship through the Christian values of our Founding Fathers. Most importantly, they taught them the Faith, to know God, and how best to serve Him.

The one, holy, catholic, and apostolic faith has been the foundation of everything they have achieved here. New Seton graduates, I call upon you to go forth open to the Holy Spirit’s call to spread the Faith by how you live your lives and raise your own families. That would be how to honor God and your parents best.

About Mary Ellen Barrett

Mother of seven children and two in heaven, Mary is wife to David and a lifelong New Yorker. She has homeschooled her children for eleven years using Seton and an enormous amount of books. She is a columnist for The Long Island Catholic and blogs here . Meet Mary Ellen.
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