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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Connect with Families

Connect with Seton Families – Join 3,000 Others


Join 3,000 families on the Connect with Seton Families program to meet local families and trade homeschooling questions and answers.

We are thrilled to report that 3,000 Seton families have reached out to connect with other Seton families in their area.

The contact person for the program is Seton Home Study School General Counselor Cecilia Sauer. She explains that these connections allow parents to trade questions and answers about their homeschooling, and to offer one another support and guidance.

“Families often ask us if there are other Seton families living in their area” Cecilia explained. “Since so many families use the Seton program, the likelihood is high that there are other Seton families nearby.”

In addition, this support system allows families to discuss the homeschooling laws in their state.

Prospective Homeschoolers

Some families participating in the program have also given permission for prospective Seton homeschoolers to contact them and ask questions about Seton Home Study School.

To respect families’ privacy, Seton shares contact information with Seton homeschooling families—or with prospective homeschooling families—only when given permission to do so.

Families enrolled in Seton Home Study School can learn more about the program on their MySeton page.  They simply click on the box on the right-hand side of the page titled “Want to Meet Seton Families in Your Area?”

Cecilia added, “Whether or not you decide to add your family to the contact list, we can generate a list for you of other families in your area that have given us permission to be contacted.”

Three Ways to Participate

There are three ways that families enrolled in Seton Home Study School can participate in the Connect with Seton Families program.

1. You may share contact information with current Seton Families

If you’d like to make your contact information available to other currently enrolled Seton families, you then tell us what information we may give out. You would instruct us if we may share your mailing address, phone, or email address.

2. You may share contact information with prospective Homeschooling Families

Families thinking about using the Seton program sometimes ask if we can put them in contact with another Seton family. If you’d be willing to be contacted by a prospective homeschooling family, you would confirm what contact information we may share.

3. You may receive a Family List

Whether or not you decide to add your family to the contact list, we can generate a list for you of other Seton families in your area.

We would love to hear about your Connect with Seton Families experience. If you want to share that with us or have other questions, contact

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