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Staff Series

Seton Staff Profile – Meet Emily Prause


Graphic designer Emily Prause’s passion for books, eye for beauty, and artistic skills, are all apparent in the remarkable books she is designing at Seton.

Emily Prause is a soft-spoken graphic designer who takes great delight in her work redesigning some of Seton’s textbooks.

Born to parents who were both serving in the Marine Corps and a self-described “military brat”—her mother decided not to reenlist in the Corps and to stay at home with her daughter while her father retired after 20 years of service with the rank of Gunnery Sergeant—Emily moved along with her parents and four younger brothers to various bases, but best remembers their stay in Tampa, Florida, and in Virginia Beach, where her parents now live. “I’m an ocean girl,” she says, and though she lives in Winchester, she maintains her love for the sea.

Emily spent grades K to 5 in public school and then was homeschooled for the rest of her elementary and secondary school. “I liked to take my time learning,” she says. “I would go to school, come home, and take a while doing homework, and then it would be bedtime. There was never enough time to play.” Following the advice of a friend, Emily’s mother began homeschooling her so that she could set her own pace for learning.

When Love Becomes a Passion

Staff Series

After graduating from Seton in 2009 and earning an Associate’s Degree from Tidewater Community College, Emily enrolled in the graphic design program at James Madison University. In 2015, she graduated with a degree in fine arts, and two years later joined the Seton Staff. “I love books and reading, and now I’m combining that love with design and publishing.”

In addition to reading, in her spare time, Emily enjoys painting, bookbinding, swimming, and the company of friends.

When asked what brings her the greatest satisfaction working for Seton, Emily thinks a moment, and then smiles and says, “The fact that I get to redesign all these books so that they look fresh and up-to-date, and help the students enjoy learning.”

A passion for books, artistic skills, and an eye for beauty: these are the gifts Emily Prause brings to Seton and to its families.

About Jeff Minick

Jeff Minick
Jeff Minick has four children and a growing platoon of grandchildren. For 20 years, he taught history, literature, and Latin to seminars of homeschooling students in Asheville, NC. Today, he lives and writes in Front Royal, VA.

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