Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Top 10 Reasons to Read ‘Ballad of the White Horse'

Top 10 Reasons to Read ‘Ballad of the White Horse’

by Kathy Rinker

Ok, so in my first post I outlined for you the praises of Chesterton and his writings.  In my second post, I provided an assessment of Seton’s edition of Ballad of the White Horse by Chesterton.

But just in case I haven’t made it clear just how awe-inspiring the man and his Ballad are, here are some top five reasons for you to keep in mind if you are considering introducing Chesterton into your home:

 Top five reasons to read Ballad of the White Horse:

5. To this day, Chesterton’s finest poem.

4. Explore the intellectual imagination of a great writer.

3. Free travel – a good epic can transport you to a different time and place, all within your imagination.

2. Insightful knowledge into the ways of human nature.

1. It will enlighten the soul of the reader.

Top five reasons to read Seton’s edition of Ballad of the White Horse:

5. Original artwork published in the new edition is fantastic.

4. Footnotes galore!

3. Explanations at the beginning of each book.

2. Notes on every page in the margins.

1. Insightful introduction to the mind of Chesterton.

Now, that I have successfully (I hope) convinced you and your student to read this book, I look forward with much anticipation to your thoughts on it!

Meanwhile, I will switch gears on you a little bit and go from literature to science in the next post!  A life full of literature and science…who could ask for more!?

Read Bob Wiesner’s amazing Book Review of the Ballad!

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