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Search Results for: 4 Tips to Teach Your Children to Obey Out of Love - Not Fear

Doubts and Demons

Doubts and Demons

A number of studies have confirmed that speaking in public is the biggest fear that Americans possess; in fact, the fear of public speaking surpasses the fear of death for ...

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Helping Children Make Better Confessions

Helping Children Make Better Confessions

by Fr. Robert Lange | After hearing literally thousands of confessions of grade-school children, I must admit that many young people are poorly trained in understanding the nature of sin and of being aware of their own sinfulness. The lessons must come from committed parents.

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'Let's Journal' | The Seton Journaling Club with Lorraine Espenhain

True Courage

Most people believe that courage is the absence of fear. This, however, is simply not true. True courage is doing something in spite of the fear. Are there things that ...

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the Holy Family- The Sacramental Life

Sacramental Life

Of the seven Sacraments instituted by Christ, three of them—Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders—may only be received once. Two of the others—Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick—maybe be received more than ...

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Interfering Atheists

Interfering Atheists

My last two blog posts made the case for defunding the present public education system and passing on the cash to parents who will then be financially able to choose ...

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Using Seton for High School

This column is intended to support and encourage Seton parents by giving practical tips based on my own two- decade experience home schooling with the Seton program. Occasionally, my spirit ...

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There’s no question about it! Discipline is the hot topic in Catholic home schooling circles today. I receive calls about discipline problems every week. I believe that worry about discipline ...

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