Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Papal Wisdom

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Eight Isn’t Enough

As I started thinking about what to write about this month, I kept drawing a blank. That is rare for me. It’s not as though nothing important has happened since ...

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Counter Cultural

The home schooling apostolate is a truly counter cultural movement, a contradiction to the current self-obsessed culture. The home schooling apostolate is evidence of an attitude of service to others ...

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Get Back in the Box

As a former college baseball coach and a lover of the game, I am frequently guilty of reducing life’s greatest lessons to a series of baseball analogies. I often tell ...

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Helps for High School

Last month’s column talked about the importance of perseverance from a spiritual point of view. This month, we will tackle more practical concerns. Here are some real questions and my ...

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64 Degrees of Separation

Pregnancy and summertime don’t mix. I’m sure I’m not the first one to point this out. It was probably a comment Eve made to Adam when carrying Cain: “Boy, this ...

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Making Ends Meet

Leaving my family on weekends during the spring and summer home school conference season is tough, but it affords me a unique opportunity to meet you—homeschooling parents—and to learn firsthand ...

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Gender and Homeschooling

Figures released by the United States Department of Education show the changing face of home education in the country. One attention-grabbing statistic shows the number of home-schooled children in the ...

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Hello, Good Men

When my oldest son Athanasius was about five years old, I observed him playing with his Star Wars toys, imagining a great battle of the good Jedi knights against “the ...

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Time and Tide

As a father, one of my responsibilities is to help my children stay out of trouble. But as the years go by, I wonder if it is the other way ...

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Checks and Balances

For most of my adult life, I have had my most important conversations around breakfast time. This seems to point to one of two possibilities: first, the restful sleep from ...

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Convincing Your Spouse

These trying economic times may have a bright side. As more parents worry about meeting the mortgage and putting food on the table, Catholic school tuition (averaging $3,500 per year in elementary school and over $10,000 for high school) often becomes an impossible expense.

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Television and Icons

When we view things in our daily lives, we perceive objects in a certain context. We see things in depth. Even though we may not be concentrating on the background, ...

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Long Division

There are times when I consider myself so disorganized and discombobulated that I think that I must be the wrong person to write articles about the father’s role in home ...

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