Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Papal Wisdom

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Official website for the Catholic Church  | www.vatican.va

The Family as a Natural Society & Domestic Church

The Family as a Natural Society & Domestic Church

In the teaching of the Church, there are only three original societies or communities on Earth: the family, the Church, and the state. … According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “The family is the original cell of social life. It is the natural society in which husband and wife are called to give themselves in love, and in the gift of life."

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One Family’s Homeschooling Saga

One Family’s Homeschooling Saga

by Charles Asper | All 19 years of my classroom education took place in public institutions. My father (a son of a Lutheran missionary and minister) was a public school teacher. I even had him as my Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry teacher in High School (not quite homeschooling, but I really enjoyed him as a teacher).

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Saint Monica, Patron Saint of Mothers

Saint Monica, Patron Saint of Mothers

by Mary Kay Clark | St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, is considered by the Church to be a patron saint for mothers, and is honored by the Church with her feast day on May 4th. Monica was born in 332—only 300 years after the crucifixion of Jesus—in Tagaste, currently Algeria, in North Africa.

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Bills, Budgeting and the Bible: How I Figured Them Out

Bills, Budgeting and the Bible: How I Figured Them Out

by Liz Beller | The past few months have put a little strain on our wallets… due to that finally, a year and a half after our wedding, my husband and I are beginning to budget. I know, we probably should have started sooner, but getting over the initial hurdles of settling into an apartment, figuring out monthly bills, oh yeah, and having a baby, pushed budgeting to the back burner.

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Writing That Matters | Part 2

Writing That Matters | Part 2

by John Clark | Why don’t more people write moving pieces? I think that one of the answers is that it’s risky. When you leave a part of yourself on the page, and someone doesn’t like it, it is hard to accept that fact—when people don’t like your work, you sometimes feel like they don’t like you. That can be a bitter pill to swallow.

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Each Day is Forever: Are You Living With an Eternal Mindset?

Multitasking: The Jury is Out

by Mary Lou Warren | All my life, I thought the ability to multitask was a positive and desirable “talent” to acquire. It seemed a great way to accomplish numerous tasks in a short period of time. Intellectually I reasoned that with all the many technological innovations at hand, life should become simpler.

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Pro-life Catholic Barth & Abby Bracy sue over ‘abortion fee mandate’

Pro-life Catholic Barth & Abby Bracy sue over ‘abortion fee mandate’

As pro-life Catholics, Barth and Abbie Bracy don’t want to pay for health insurance that covers elective abortion, but under the Affordable Care Act, they don’t have much choice. The Bracys’ health-insurance plan is set to expire in November, and all policies currently offered by Access Health CT, Connecticut’s health care exchange, include coverage for elective abortions.

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‘The Sanctuary’ in Pre-Production – Navis Pictures Making New Movie

‘The Sanctuary’ in Pre-Production – Navis Pictures Making New Movie

Jim Morlino from Navis Pictures, Director of EWTN favorites 'The War of the Vendee' and 'St Bernadette of Lourdes', is helming a new film to be completed by December 2014. "The Sanctuary" is an exciting and poignant, feature-length drama set in 1949 about a group of plucky children who escape the "confines" of their orphanage - only to find themselves lost in a forest of confusion and unrest.

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The Glory of Easter

‘Glory of Easter’ Crossword

Kids Corner | Download this ‘Glory of Easter’ Crossword! A fun activity to challenge your knowledge of facts and trivia. For all ages! Answer these questions: 1) The Feast of St. Joseph the ___ is celebrated on May 1st. 2) He was bishop of Alexandria in the 4th century; his feast is May 2nd.

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Writing That Matters | Part 1

Writing That Matters | Part 1

by John Clark | In the homeschool world, articles abound about how to teach our children to write well. They tend to cover areas such as how to outline, how to write a strong thesis statement, and so forth. These articles are certainly necessary, but as we teach our children composition, we need to remember another aspect of good writing.

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Papal Wisdom | Quotes from Encylicals and Documents

How We Keep Faith Alive – Through Relationship

by Pope Francis | The transmission of the faith not only brings light to men and women in every place; it travels through time, passing from one generation to another. Because faith is born of an encounter which takes place in history and lights up our journey through time, it must be passed on in every age.

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A Story of Shrines

A Story of Shrines: 6 Catholic Shrines to Visit with Your Family this Summer

Some of the best adventures for family field trips are the Catholic shrines located all around the country. These shrines are sometimes tucked into the smallest slivers of land in the middle of cities, surrounded on all sides by soaring skyscrapers. Sometimes they are just off the main highway and millions pass by unknowing each day. And sometimes they are so far down abandoned and forgotten roads that having but a quarter tank of gas seems a potential hazard.

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