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Search Results for: history and government

4 Things to Know about the ‘Te Deum’ in Musical History

4 Things to Know about the ‘Te Deum’ in Musical History

by Bob Wiesner | The Te Deum is an ancient prayer of praise, dating to the 4th Century. Traditionally ascribed to Saints Ambrose and Augustine, composed to commemorate Augustine’s baptism, scholars now also argue for the authorship of Saint Hilary or Bishop Nicetas of Remesiana. Whoever wrote it, it has a long history in the Church.

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Teaching English Primary Grades

Disorder in the Classroom: Where it Goes Wrong

Government schools have purposefully chosen to ignore God, and that while students may choose to believe in God, this is a belief which students must leave outside the classroom door. Since the government schools and textbooks reflect this denial of the existence of God in what is taught and how it is taught...

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Smoking and Religion: Two Things You Can’t Do in Public

Smoking and Religion: Two Things You Can’t Do in Public

by Kevin Clark | The legislature of Arizona recently passed a law which allows a business to assert a free exercise defense if it is accused of discrimination for refusing to provide a service to a customer. The Arizona law, which has gone to Governor Jan Brewer to sign or veto, closely tracks the wording of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

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