Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
'Let's Journal' | The Seton Journaling Club with Lorraine Espenhain


We’re all familiar with that now-famous prayer which begins with the words, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…”

What is it in your life that God is calling you to accept? Perhaps you’ve been resisting, running, rejecting, scratching, clawing, kicking, screaming, and scheming in order change the circumstances in your life or someone else’s, but in vain.

Nothing is changing because God is calling you to accept it. What is it?

About Seton Journal Prompts

Created by Lorraine Espenhain, this Daily Journal Prompt series hopes to kickstart your creativity and promote a sense of self-discovery and wellbeing through journaling! Meet Lorraine | More about this Series
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