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Let's Journal Through Advent! With Lorraine Espenhain | The Seton Journaling Club

Called To Peace With One Another

1st Week of Advent

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5

In the above verses of Scripture, Isaiah speaks of a time when men shall turn their swords into plowshares and their spears into sickles. He speaks of a time when nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither will they train for war anymore.

God has called us to live in peace with one another, both nationally and individually. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit – a sign that we are yielding our lives to God and allowing His Spirit, not our flesh, to be the governing influence in our lives.

Advent is a time when we need to be reminded that Christ promotes peace as well as holiness. It is a time when we “clean house” within our own hearts in order to get them ready for Christ’s arrival. Sometimes this means taking stock of our relationships with one another, especially those with whom we may not be on the most peaceful terms.

The Lord is calling us to peace. When His grace is in exercise, when it rules in our hearts, we will be at peace with one another.

Is there someone with whom you are not at peace? Perhaps the Holy Spirit has been prompting you to a reconciliation or at least to make the overture, and you have been resisting? If this is so, what is stopping you from yielding to His will in this regard? Is it fear of rejection? Lack of humility? Refusal to forgive, as Christ has forgiven you? Is it not knowing how to proceed?

Be honest with yourself and with God as you write about this issue in your journal today.

Many times, when we write in a journal, the answers and solutions come to us as we scribble. If you’re not certain how to proceed with a reconciliation, the answer just may come as you write.

About Seton Journal Prompts

Created by Lorraine Espenhain, this Daily Journal Prompt series hopes to kickstart your creativity and promote a sense of self-discovery and wellbeing through journaling! Meet Lorraine | More about this Series
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