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'Let's Journal' | The Seton Journaling Club with Lorraine Espenhain

Have You Lost Something?

Has something within you been destroyed – something that God never wanted you to lose? What is it? What led to its demise? How did you get to this place over time?

Writing our thoughts and feelings in a journal can be extremely therapeutic. It brings release, which can often lead to healing and better understanding about ourselves and why we struggle as we do.

Writing about things which we have kept bottled up and buried for a long time helps us to process what is taking place within us and may be affecting our walk with Christ in an adverse way. It forces these long buried issues to rise to the surface, where God wants them, so that He can help us to heal and experience restoration in that area(s).

When writing in your journal, don’t censor yourself. Be completely honest with yourself and God about whatever it is that you may have lost within you due to certain circumstances which entered your life.

This is an intimate time between you, your Heavenly Father, and your journal.

About Seton Journal Prompts

Created by Lorraine Espenhain, this Daily Journal Prompt series hopes to kickstart your creativity and promote a sense of self-discovery and wellbeing through journaling! Meet Lorraine | More about this Series
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