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Let's Journal Through Advent! With Lorraine Espenhain | The Seton Journaling Club

Taking Repentance To The Next Level

2nd Sunday of Advent

Scripture Reading: Mark 1:1-8

In today’s Gospel, we see St. John the Baptist in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

Forgiveness of sins involves a whole lot more than simply saying, “I’m sorry.” God is looking for more than an apology; He’s looking for repentance. To repent means not only to feel sorrow for one’s sin; it also means to make up one’s mind to do what is right.

In other words, repentance isn’t just about stopping; it’s about doing. It’s not just about letting go; it’s about taking up after we have let go.

A man who stops stealing does what is good in the sight of God, but if he gets himself a job in order to earn an honest living, and then takes of his earnings and gives some to the poor, he does even better. He has learned the meaning of full repentance. He has taken his repentance to the next level.

What about you? Think of some areas in your life in which you have repented. You stopped doing what you knew was offending God. Now think about some ways in which you can take that repentance to the next level by doing what He would have you do instead. For example, you stopped picking up the phone in order to gossip. Now, pick up the phone in order to use your tongue for a purpose that is pleasing to God, such as encouraging someone in need.

Write out ways in your journal in which you might take your repentance to the next level, and then act on the things which you jot down.

About Seton Journal Prompts

Created by Lorraine Espenhain, this Daily Journal Prompt series hopes to kickstart your creativity and promote a sense of self-discovery and wellbeing through journaling! Meet Lorraine | More about this Series
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