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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Contributing Writers

Contributing Writers

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About this Column


We are blessed to have a wide range of authors share their commentary on many facets of homeschooling. You’ll find stories from priests, educators, moms and dads, and students to help guide you on your homeschooling journey.  We would love to hear from you as well! Your comments make the articles more vital and helpful.

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Below is a list of their articles, the most recent first.

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Bills, Budgeting and the Bible: How I Figured Them Out

Bills, Budgeting and the Bible: How I Figured Them Out

by Liz Beller | The past few months have put a little strain on our wallets… due to that finally, a year and a half after our wedding, my husband and I are beginning to budget. I know, we probably should have started sooner, but getting over the initial hurdles of settling into an apartment, figuring out monthly bills, oh yeah, and having a baby, pushed budgeting to the back burner.

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The Real Reasons Why I Homeschool

The Real Reasons Why I Homeschool

from a Homeschooling Mother | The reason I began to homeschool is not a single reason. I was disheartened at the level of education my eldest son was receiving in the public school. In addition, we were staunch fighters against the so-called “family education,” which was nothing more than a cover and masthead for sex education.

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8 Reflections on the Beloved Beatitudes

8 Reflections on the Beloved Beatitudes

by Fr. Robert Skeris | The Gospel of the eight Beatitudes is surely one of the best-loved passages in all of Holy Writ, and deservedly so. For the fact is that men of all climes and times have regarded the Beatitudes as the ladder, so to speak, or the staircase by which the saints ascend to Heaven.

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6 Ways We Taught Our Kids to do Chores… And Learn to Work

6 Ways We Taught Our Kids to do Chores… And Learn to Work

by Jennifer Tutwiler | These days, the measure of good parenting seems to be how care-free and enjoyable an existence we have enabled for our children. Children are expected to play with their toys, play outside, play with their friends, play sports, play with video games... and yet today’s children are some of the most behaviorally challenged in human history.

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A Tribute to a Mother’s Hands

A Tribute to a Mother’s Hands

by Kerry Costanzo | I love the poem, "The Beautiful Hands of a Priest," and I began thinking the other day about how one could write a similar reflection on the hands of mothers. While a mother’s hands do not share the dignity of those of a priest, they nevertheless have their own special value.

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