Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Dr Mitchell Kalpakgian

Dr Mitchell Kalpakgian

Author Bio and Books

Author Bio and Books


Dr. Mitchell A. Kalpakgian is a native of New England, the son of Armenian immigrants. He earned his B.A. in English from Bowdoin College in 1963, his M.A. in English from the University of Kansas in 1965, and his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 1974. He taught at Simpson College (Iowa) for thirty one years, at Christendom College (Front Royal, Virginia) for two years, and at Magdalen College (Warner, New Hampshire) for two years. From 2007-2009 he was a visiting professor of Humanities at Wyoming Catholic College in Lander.

Dr. Kalpakgian designed Seton’s Shakespeare course and is instrumental in grading the Shakespeare and other high school English courses at Seton Home Study School.

During his academic career, Dr. Kalpakgian received many academic honors, among them the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar Fellowship (Brown University, 1981), the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship (University of Kansas, 1985), and an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities Institute on Children’s Literature.

My Series

My Books

The Virtues We Need Again: 21 Life Lessons from the Great Books of the West [Paperback]
Mysteries of Life in Children's Literature
The Lost Arts of Modern Civilization [Hardcover]
An Armenian Family Reunion
Manners in Modern Life [Hardcover]
The Marvelous in Fielding's Novels [Paperback]

Below is a list of his articles, the most recent first.

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Why the Liberal Arts are Essential

Why the Liberal Arts are Essential

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | It is common to hear students dismiss certain fields of knowledge as useless to their profession and career. Why should students majoring in information technology, accounting, music, or biology study philosophy, literature, or Latin? Surely they will not need this knowledge in their specialized, technical fields of study.

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What We Can Learn About Courtesy From ‘Emma’

What We Can Learn About Courtesy From ‘Emma’

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | The custom of visiting on Sundays and holidays, once a natural part of a human life, has waned in the last fifty years. Visitors feel the obligation to call in advance and ask permission lest they impose or inconvenience their hosts. Hosts who receive visitors sense the need to have ample provisions...

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Education: More than Book Learning?,

Education: More than Book Learning?

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | According to Chauntecleer, books are the final authority of truth. Pertelote, who stays below in the farmyard, views the subject of dreams exclusively in terms of personal experience. Never in her life does she remember a dream that came true.

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Getting more out of your day!

Getting More Out of Your Day – Starting Now!

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | Listening to the talk shows on television every night, watching athletic events all day Saturday and Sunday, and spending hours on the Internet do not organize the day, deserve priority, or require the discipline of will power. They do not breathe life, nourish the mind, or lift the soul. A person does not need more time to do these essential things but a greater desire to do first things first.

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