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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Seton Home Study School

Seton Home Study School

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About this Column

For more than 30 years, Seton Home Study School has developed a reputation for devotion to the Catholic Faith and high levels of academic excellence. We are a full-service program for grades Pre-K through 12, built around the needs of individual students and families.

The students and families enrolled with Seton have the unique opportunity to partake of the fullness of Catholic truth as they experience the beauty, freedom, and peace that comes from Catholic moral and academic formation in a family setting.

With a wide range of expertise, Seton staff and academic counselors provide insight in topics ranging from Seton’s new Pre – K curriculum to the Military and Uniformed Service Academy Prep Program and all points in between. Whether it’s about getting started, academic counseling, accreditation, or a myriad of other topics of interest, you’ll find articles to help you with your homeschooling experience.

Learn more about the Seton Home Study School program at

Below is a list of our articles, arranged the most recent first.

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Question from a Seton Mom: What do those homeschooling moms out there with both school-age children and toddlers do to keep the little ones occupied? I have a child in ...

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