Kathryn Trudeau, a homeschooling mother and author, offers her four tried-and-true ways to make homeschooling easier while caring for your baby or toddler.
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Contributing Writers October 29, 2016 4,749 Views
Kathryn Trudeau, a homeschooling mother and author, offers her four tried-and-true ways to make homeschooling easier while caring for your baby or toddler.
Read More »Ginny Seuffert January 30, 2016 7,598 Views
Ginny Seuffert strikes back with more suggestions and ideas to the top 4 questions posed at conferences last year. Has she answered yours?
Read More »Contributing Writers September 8, 2015 5,302 Views
by Donna Sayles | This is my second baby born since we started home school so it’s not my first time to the rodeo.
Read More »Emily Molitor August 29, 2014 8,534 Views
by Emily Molitor | What does it mean to rejoice in our children? How do we rejoice, revel in, the vocation of motherhood?
Read More »Abby Sasscer May 19, 2014 9,675 Views
by Abby Sasscer | When Baby Girl felt she was ready to move in her sister’s room, our challenge was to make them feel like they had their own “special space”. This took a bit of creativity since the space we were working with was so limited. When Baby Girl is a bit older, we will eventually move a bunk bed in here to make their special space a bit more permanent.
Read More »Contributing Writers March 4, 2014 8,968 Views
by Liz Beller | As a new stay-at-home mom, I’ve been going through a lot of adjusting. Since when did staying at home all day leave me with less time than I had before?
Read More »Contributing Writers January 24, 2014 7,196 Views
For the homeschooling mother of many, there's always more; more to organize and more to do. Always more little faces to wash, more nails to clip, more hair growing back into bright, smiling eyes, more boo-boos needing more band-aids and more baby teeth to brush.
Read More »Contributing Writers January 19, 2014 8,129 Views
by Kerry Costanzo | Already behind in our schoolwork, now we are REALLY behind. I didn't want to be this behind. . . I really didn't. Yet, during those last months of pregnancy, the fatigue was so severe, and the couch was so inviting, and the coffee pot was so empty (I wasn't drinking it during pregnancy). . . well, the homeschooling suffered.
Read More »John Clark October 23, 2013 8,843 Views
Clichés tend to become clichés for their accuracy. “Life goes too fast” is one. A few weeks ago, a longtime family friend of ours visited us with her nine-month-old daughter.
Read More »Contributing Writers September 10, 2013 7,491 Views
by Kerry Costanzo | Homeschooling is not easy. It can be really hard. For me, it is often really, really hard. Yet, it is the right things to do in life that can sometimes be the hardest. Homeschooling can be a cross, yet as we Catholics know, it is only in picking up and carrying our crosses that we can hope to follow Our Lord to Heaven.
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