by Dave Armstrong | Our Protestant friends often tell us that “the Church is the invisible sum total of all true believers.” The Bible teaches us that the Church is a visible, identifiable institution.
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Dave Armstrong October 7, 2014 10,584 Views
by Dave Armstrong | Our Protestant friends often tell us that “the Church is the invisible sum total of all true believers.” The Bible teaches us that the Church is a visible, identifiable institution.
Read More »John Clark September 26, 2014 9,406 Views
by John Clark | Why does the horse laugh at fear? Why is he so excited to go into battle? The answer is simple: because the horse loves his master, and he knows his master loves Him.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain September 13, 2014 5,935 Views
by Lorraine Espenhain | When we don't discipline ourselves to read the Sacred Scriptures on a daily basis, how can that Word go to work in us?
Read More »Dave Armstrong September 10, 2014 10,738 Views
by Dave Armstrong | The Catholic Church assuredly does not claim any such thing; only that an authoritative Christian tradition and institutional Church was necessary to establish and proclaim the canon of Scripture.
Read More »Mary Ellen Barrett September 7, 2014 12,560 Views
by Mary Ellen Barret | When our homeschool lifestyle began, it was easy to let the prayer part of my life fall away since I was too busy to sit quietly.
Read More »Dave Armstrong August 13, 2014 11,741 Views
by Dave Armstrong | Hey Cathy, why do Catholics baptize babies? It's pointless, since they don't know what's going on and can't repent, according to Acts 2:38 and Mark 6:16.
Read More »Dave Armstrong June 12, 2014 6,500 Views
by Dave Armstrong | A Catholic asks, “what does it mean to be full of grace?” For St. Paul, grace is the antithesis and overcomer of sin...
Read More »Dave Armstrong May 28, 2014 13,094 Views
by Dave Armstrong | In Jesus' Hebrew culture (and Middle Eastern culture even today), cousins were called "brothers". In my previous article, I wrote abo...
Read More »Dave Armstrong May 21, 2014 23,863 Views
by Dave Armstrong | Once upon a time, virtually no Christians denied that Mary the mother of Jesus was perpetually a virgin: including Protestants. Of the early leaders of that movement, virtually all fully accepted this doctrine: including Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Bullinger, and Cranmer.
Read More »Dave Armstrong May 13, 2014 16,252 Views
by Dave Armstrong | Our Protestant friends in Christ often challenge us to find “proofs” of our doctrines in the Bible. When it comes to the doctrine of the Assumption, almost all of them think or say: “there is nothing whatever in the Bible about that!”
Read More »Contributing Writers May 11, 2014 7,971 Views
by Liz Beller | The past few months have put a little strain on our wallets… due to that finally, a year and a half after our wedding, my husband and I are beginning to budget. I know, we probably should have started sooner, but getting over the initial hurdles of settling into an apartment, figuring out monthly bills, oh yeah, and having a baby, pushed budgeting to the back burner.
Read More »John Clark May 2, 2014 7,236 Views
by John Clark | In the homeschool world, articles abound about how to teach our children to write well. They tend to cover areas such as how to outline, how to write a strong thesis statement, and so forth. These articles are certainly necessary, but as we teach our children composition, we need to remember another aspect of good writing.
Read More »Dave Armstrong April 15, 2014 10,641 Views
by Dave Armstrong | I've often used what I call the “nutshell” argument for Purgatory: we must be without sin to enter into God's presence (Eph 5:5; Heb 12:14; Rev 21:27; 22:3, 14-15). Therefore, God must purge or wash away our sin to make us fit to be in heaven with Him. All agree so far.
Read More »Dave Armstrong April 1, 2014 7,864 Views
by Dave Armstrong | My specialty as an apologist is “biblical arguments for Catholicism.” I enjoy that aspect of my work a lot because the Bible is the great “common ground” that all Christians share (and I strive to be ecumenical). We all reverence Sacred Scripture and believe it is inspired revelation.
Read More »Dave Armstrong March 26, 2014 10,906 Views
by Dave Armstrong | We can learn a lot from words: especially if we go back to the Latin roots of many of our English words. All Christians are familiar with the notion of God being the Creator. He made all things from nothing (theologians describe this with the wonderful Latin phrase, creatio ex nihilo).
Read More »Dave Armstrong March 18, 2014 10,880 Views
by Dave Armstrong | Some things are so obvious that we take them for granted. We don't feel that we need to “argue” them because we casually assume that everyone “knows they are true.” The old Frank Sinatra song comes to my mind: “Love and marriage: go together like a horse and carriage . . .”
Read More »Dave Armstrong February 19, 2014 8,973 Views
by Dave Armstrong | Sometimes people say that the Bible and tradition are against each other (with tradition being the “bad” thing). But the Bible itself teaches that tradition was already around before the Bible was put together. In fact, the Bible itself is part of the Christian tradition, just as the Catholic Church also is.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain January 1, 2014 10,373 Views
Do you know what an aspiration is? An aspiration is a strong desire to do something, be something, or possess something. People have many different aspirations. Some aspire to be musicians, doctors, or librarians. Some aspire to go to college, while others aspire to go right into the workforce. Some aspire to be priests or religious brothers or sisters, while others aspire to be good husbands and wives. There are as many aspirations as there are people in the world.
Read More »Contributing Writers December 17, 2013 10,671 Views
In the “Armor of God,” with which we are all called to equip ourselves (Ephesians 6:10-18), the Word of God is the “sword of the Spirit.” Daily, reverent reading of Sacred Scripture can help us to immerse ourselves in the mind of Christ and cultivate our personal relationship with Him. It can also help us to develop a living, breathing, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Author of Sacred Scripture.
Read More »Lorraine Espenhain November 6, 2013 8,789 Views
Several days ago, I was in the kitchen whipping up a pot of pumpkin chili, (recipe included below!) while reflecting on some thoughts regarding faith. Earlier in the day, when my daughter was sitting at the kitchen table working on her Catechism lesson, the subject of faith came up. My daughter wanted to know if everyone who believes in Jesus is a Christian.
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