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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: crazy

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Stillness is a thing which it seems harder and harder to find. The constant barrage of information that comes to us now is seemingly more confusing than ever. Years ago, I remember seeing pictures of Times Square, with its multiple electronic screens flashing messages to passersby, and I thought it would be a rather disorienting place to be.

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6 Tips to Surviving Christmas

6 Tips to Surviving Christmas

Sometimes it seems like the work for Mom is never ending in our large Catholic families. By Thanksgiving, the first quarter assignments have been completed and the homeschooling is clipping along nicely. Then Bang! Along comes the Christmas season, doubling the work load but halving the class time! It’s more than a little discouraging!

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7 Ideas for a More Meaningful Advent

7 Ideas for a More Meaningful Advent

The weather is changing and the holiday season is upon us. Decorations have been up in stores for weeks, a bright mishmash of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas displays to entice the consumer to buy, buy, buy. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hoopla and the craziness and lose the true meaning of what we are celebrating.

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New Beginnings: The Reflections of One Homeschooling Mother - (Smiling Baby)

New Beginnings: The Reflections of One Homeschooling Mother

by Kerry Costanzo | Homeschooling is not easy. It can be really hard. For me, it is often really, really hard. Yet, it is the right things to do in life that can sometimes be the hardest. Homeschooling can be a cross, yet as we Catholics know, it is only in picking up and carrying our crosses that we can hope to follow Our Lord to Heaven.

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