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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: ginny

Independent Work

Independent Work

Many home schooling teachers wonder how much parental help with schoolwork is too much. Some would like to sit with each individual student, but simply do not have the time. ...

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On Time and On Task

On Time and On Task

Training the children to do their tasks on time and in a timely manner is no small feat, yet it can be done with planning, keeping to the schedule, and ...

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Fall Food Prep

Fall Food Prep

Every fall, circumstances in the typical homeschool family line up to create a perfect educational opportunity. First, Mom is wistfully remembering how Dad grilled all summer as she tries to ...

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Interfering Atheists

Interfering Atheists

My last two blog posts made the case for defunding the present public education system and passing on the cash to parents who will then be financially able to choose ...

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Presidential Election

Presidential Election

Every four years, American home schoolers are handed an ideal civics lesson: the presidential campaign and election. With TV coverage, the Internet, historic sites, and even public libraries, every family ...

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Is it Worth the Fight?

Is it Worth the Fight?

A dentist in the Canadian province of Ontario has brought a lawsuit against the Hamilton-Wentworth School District where he has a son and a daughter enrolled in grade school. Dr. ...

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September Checklist

September Checklist

September is an exciting time when the children are eagerly looking at their new books, and moms are hopeful that this year will be the best ever. But merely wishing ...

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Amazon Girl

Amazon Girl

A recent article in New Yorker magazine has created quite a stir among U.S. parents and gives Catholic homeschooling moms and dads a reason to examine their own family lives. ...

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Getting Started

Getting Started

Many readers–maybe you–are toying with the idea of homeschooling, not quite sure if you want to take the plunge. Here are some questions you may be asking yourself. I’m not ...

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Re-creation Inspiration!

Re-creation Inspiration!

Last weekend, my daughter graduated from college. (Summa cum laude — those Seton grads do okay for themselves!) The commencement ceremony was being held in Springfield, Illinois, home to Abraham ...

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