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Tag Archives: happiness

Seven Daily Habits to Help Grow in Holiness

Sharing advice from an accomplished spiritual director, Cheryl Hernandez offers seven sure-fire ways to grow in holiness. Is it easy? Perhaps not, but it is simple and, like taking on a diet or a physical exercise program, it is a gradual work in progress; that will bring us closer to God.

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The Day You Couldn’t Stop Smiling

The Day You Couldn’t Stop Smiling

by Kevin Clark | When you first graduate from college, you attend many weddings. For the five years or so after college, several weddings seem to come every year—some weddings where you know the betrothed well and you are actually in the wedding party, and some where you merely witness the proceedings.

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The Secret To Happiness: A Mother’s Letter

The Secret To Happiness: A Mother’s Letter

Do you know what an aspiration is? An aspiration is a strong desire to do something, be something, or possess something. People have many different aspirations. Some aspire to be musicians, doctors, or librarians. Some aspire to go to college, while others aspire to go right into the workforce. Some aspire to be priests or religious brothers or sisters, while others aspire to be good husbands and wives. There are as many aspirations as there are people in the world.

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