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Tag Archives: heart

Saints for June Crossword

‘Saints for June’ Crossword

Kids' Corner | Download this ‘St Joseph’ Crossword! A fun activity to challenge your knowledge of facts and trivia. For all ages! Answer these questions: 1) The month of June is dedicated to the ___ ___ of Jesus. 2) We celebrate the Feast of the ___ and ___ of Jesus on June 2nd.

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What are the Marks of a Truly ‘Catholic’ Family?

What are the Marks of a Truly Catholic Family?

I have known Catholic families and I know how much light they were in the 1950’s. One family I knew as a seven-year-old boy touched me by the very fact that the father of the family led the Grace of the meal with the Sign of the Cross and the prayer asking for God’s blessing. A small thing, but small things speak to pure hearts.

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Yearning For Heaven: The 8th Principle of the Simple Life

Yearning For Heaven: The 8th Principle of the Simple Life

As soon as my baby girl turned seven months old, I started feeling ill. And it wasn't the typical "I'm coming down with a cold" kind of ill. I was having a very difficult time breathing. As a busy mom, I dismissed it as the usual effects of sleep deprivation. I went to the hospital just to be sure, but they sent me home after all the test results came out normal.

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The Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart

The feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated this year on Friday, June 7th. Among Catholics and many Christians, pictures of the Sacred Heart and devotions to ...

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