Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: homeschooling

How To Be Your Best In Homeschooling

How To Be Your Best In Homeschooling

In my experience, no one makes comparisons more than homeschoolers. We say things like: “Mrs. Jones is better than I am at teaching math,” or “Why can’t we get our kids to do their violin practice as well as Mrs. Smith’s children?” or “That family doesn’t let their kids watch television—they’re better than we are.”

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waffle with berries - Why We Should Sit at the Kids’ Table

Why We Should Sit at the Kids’ Table

As I took a little trip down the memory lane of my mind, I started to explain to my little children that, although I was 42 years old, I had never quite “graduated” from the kids’ table. At first this bothered me, but I had come to respect the camaraderie, the conviviality...

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Are Kids Better Off Poor?

Are Kids Better Off Poor?

The children of the Hollywood producer will never need to work a day in their lives. They can have anything they want; or more specifically, they can have anything their super wealthy dad is willing to buy for them. Ordinary families tell their children that they cannot have everything simply due to lack of money. For the super wealthy, that's just not true.

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Un-Common Core: Where Does it Go?

Un-Common Core: Where Does it Go?

There has been a lot of worry lately among homeschooling parents regarding the “common core” curriculum. Judging by the amount of views by readers of this journal, it is the biggest issue of the day. But the problem is not so much in merely having a common core—it is in what that common core consists. Some cores are good and some are rotten.

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