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Tag Archives: kindness


Olympic Virtue

John Clark shares this surprisingly simple advice from a holy priest on how to take a virtue that you already possess to new heights and change your life.

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What We Can Learn About Courtesy From ‘Emma’

What We Can Learn About Courtesy From ‘Emma’

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | The custom of visiting on Sundays and holidays, once a natural part of a human life, has waned in the last fifty years. Visitors feel the obligation to call in advance and ask permission lest they impose or inconvenience their hosts. Hosts who receive visitors sense the need to have ample provisions...

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The Human Touch: What King Midas Didn’t Get

The Human Touch: What King Midas Didn’t Get

While everyone has heard of King Midas’s avarice and his desire for The Golden Touch that transforms everything he touches into gold, not everyone has heard of The Leaden Touch. In Hawthorne’s A Wonder Book one of the children who hears of the famous story about King Midas, remarks, “But some people have what we may call ‘The Leaden Touch,’ and make everything dull and heavy that they lay their fingers upon.”

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