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Tag Archives: lent

5 Ways We Bring Lent Home - by Mary Ellen Barrett

5 Ways We Bring Lent Home

by Mary Ellen Barrett | The Lenten season is one which, with a little effort, can be extremely fruitful for the homeschool family. We get a beautiful opportunity to strengthen our spiritual muscles as we journey toward the Risen Christ.

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Our Cottage Spring Cleaning Adventure: Part 1

Our Cottage Spring Cleaning Adventure: Part 1

by Abby Sasscer | Spring is definitely in the air and what better time to declutter and organize our domestic church than during this beautiful season of Lent. Despite the on-again, off-again winter weather we’ve been experiencing here in Virginia, the Great Purge of 2014 is well underway in our little home in the hills.

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Onward, Ever Onward! Lenten Advice for Homeschoolers

Onward, Ever Onward! Lenten Advice for Homeschoolers

by Marlicia Fernandez | Lent is flying by and the pink vestments (or the rose, as many a priest has informed many a congregation) have made their appearance during the Mass, for Laetare Sunday. That means we are a little more than half-way through the Lenten season. Most of us find that exciting because we see the light at the end of the Lenten tunnel. Easter is right around the corner!

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The Abundant Biblical Support for Lent

The Abundant Biblical Support for Lent

by Dave Armstrong | My specialty as an apologist is “biblical arguments for Catholicism.” I enjoy that aspect of my work a lot because the Bible is the great “common ground” that all Christians share (and I strive to be ecumenical). We all reverence Sacred Scripture and believe it is inspired revelation.

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Make a Lenten ‘Good Deed Beads’ Devotion in 6 Steps!

Make a Lenten ‘Good Deed Beads’ Devotion in 6 Steps!

by Monica McConkey | Lent is a great opportunity to refocus our efforts to draw closer to Jesus. Although we can certainly give up a few of our favorite things, we can also add extra prayers and sacrifices. It’s easy to lose focus or momentum throughout the 40 days of Lent. We can get discouraged when we falter or fail our Lenten promises. Sometimes a tangible way of tracking our progress can motivate us to stay on track or even return to it!

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7 Ideas for a More Meaningful Advent

7 Ideas for a More Meaningful Advent

The weather is changing and the holiday season is upon us. Decorations have been up in stores for weeks, a bright mishmash of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas displays to entice the consumer to buy, buy, buy. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hoopla and the craziness and lose the true meaning of what we are celebrating.

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Television and Lent

With Ash Wednesday fast approaching, many home schooling families are revisiting their annual question: “What should we give up for Lent?” While there are many worthwhile answers to the question, ...

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