by Marc Postiglione | Modern man has tended to make work become a form of drudgery that people go to every morning and do their best to avoid and when possible even avoid all-together.
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Marc Postiglione June 5, 2014 8,629 Views
by Marc Postiglione | Modern man has tended to make work become a form of drudgery that people go to every morning and do their best to avoid and when possible even avoid all-together.
Read More »Marc Postiglione May 23, 2014 14,160 Views
by Marc Postiglione | We need to explain to our youth that mercy must be met with continual daily conversion in our own lives. In examining the parable of the prodigal son...
Read More »Marc Postiglione April 17, 2014 16,889 Views
by Marc Postiglione | How would you define the word irony? Might I propose a good working definition as: a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected. The same Peter, who out of fear for his own life three times denied that he ever knew Jesus, is now standing in front of the Christian community in Jerusalem boldly declaring the truth about Jesus Christ for the entire world to hear.
Read More »Marc Postiglione March 12, 2014 12,707 Views
Marc Postiglione unpacks Pope St. John Paul II's encyclical, 'Redemptor Hominis' - 'Redeemer of Man', a message of personal dignity, freedom and truth.
Read More »Marc Postiglione February 12, 2014 9,759 Views
by Marc Postiglione | One of my fondest and earliest memories of childhood is the way we as a family celebrated Sunday. Sunday always started with morning Mass. We were not a sleep late family and were out the door for 9:00am Mass.
Read More »Marc Postiglione January 26, 2014 7,071 Views
As someone who has been teaching high school and college now for more than fourteen years, it has become life’s daunting task to motivate students. In an age of instant communication, a teacher needs to be able to convey subject material in a way that is both ever dramatic and always engaging. It used to be a concern to worry about a bad day; now, one has to worry about an un-engaging minute.
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