Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: marylouwarren

9 Steps to Better Homeschool Motivation

9 Steps to Better Homeschool Motivation

by Mary Lou Warren | What can we do if we notice that our children are not motivated to learn? As parents and teachers, we want to inspire and encourage our children to learn and live a full and healthy life. What do we do if we start noticing a problem?

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Motivate Homeschool Children – Harvard Business Style!

Motivate Homeschool Children – Harvard Business Style!

As homeschooling parents, we often look for the best way to motivate our children in their academics. Professor Brandon Irwin of Harvard Business School has conducted studies regarding motivational style. Although this was done with business organizations in mind, we parents can sometimes learn from such studies and apply the principles to our educational adventure.

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Dare to Ask the Question that Could Change Your Life

Dare to Ask The Question That Could Change Your Life

by Mary Lou Warren | Do you find that you never seem to have enough time to do important things in your life? Is your time frittered away with minutia and time-wasting activities? How much time do you spend on repeated actions and routines that brings you no closer to where you want to go, to do, or to become?

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