Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: men

‘Immortal Love’: How Men Express It… or Try

‘Immortal Love’: How Men Express It… or Try

Every St. Valentine’s Day leaves men at a loss for telling their girlfriends or wives how much they love them. Very often, whether a dozen red roses, a box of chocolates, or a hand-written poem, nothing seems to suffice. If you homeschool husbands find yourself in this predicament, don’t feel too bad. We’ve all been there.

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The Importance of Fathers in our Search for God (Father and Child)

The Importance of Fathers in our Search for God

These have been a tough couple of decades for fathers in particular, and men in general. [People] attack men’s identity and undermine the whole idea of fatherhood. In the process, women and children are hurt, families are damaged, and our understanding of God Himself becomes confused. Let me outline three criticisms, or problems, which make our times especially hard for fathers.

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Hello, Good Men

When my oldest son Athanasius was about five years old, I observed him playing with his Star Wars toys, imagining a great battle of the good Jedi knights against “the ...

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