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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: relax

The Key to a Joyful Homeschool

The Key to a Joyful Homeschool

by Jennifer Tutwiler | Homeschoolers tend to be an optimistic group. No matter what trials we faced in the previous school year, we look forward to the next with all the anticipation of a child awaiting Christmas. For some families, though, this optimism can fade as each year becomes a worsening repetition of the previous year’s challenges. Nothing works. Nothing improves. Survival is the only thing left. This was our own experience for three very long years.

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Final Academic Preparations

Final Academic Preparations

You’ve finally just about completed everything for your long-anticipated diploma.  There is still the fourth quarter Government test, one English essay, and a Religion test.  Summer is just around the ...

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