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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: school

Upon this Rock

Upon this Rock

Pregnant and nauseous, I traveled with my husband, kids, and parents to Emmitsburg, Maryland, to sit on a rock. Yes, a rock. It’s a long story that begins and ends with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. As I sat on the rock from which Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton taught her first three students, with my first three “students” Gianna...

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how to homeschool better immediately

How to Homeschool Better… Immediately

As we parents sit down to help our children with their homeschooling, I think we would have to admit that some of the biggest distractions are often the ones inside ourselves—the ones that keep popping into our minds as we attempt to teach.

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Aren’t You Too Old to Have Been Homeschooled?

Aren’t You Too Old to Have Been Homeschooled?

In passing, I mentioned to a co-worker the other day that college was my first classroom experience. She said “Really?” I explained that, “Yes, I was homeschooled from Kindergarten through 12th Grade.” She said “Oh, wow, cool!” A few minutes later she walked by my desk and said “Wait a minute, aren’t you too old to have been homeschooled???” Well, thanks for that.

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Where are Tomorrow’s Catholic Leaders? (World Youth Day Rome)

Where are Tomorrow’s Catholic Leaders?

Catholic parents seeks to shelter their children in their youth, so that they may grow in wisdom and holiness without constant battering from the world. But once they are grown and educated, these children no longer need shelter. They are able to take what they have learned and engage the world without fear.

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The Tortoise and the Hare in the Classroom

The Tortoise and the Hare in the Classroom

Most everyone is familiar with the fable of the tortoise and the hare, but have you ever thought about what lessons this fable holds for education? There are always a few students who are at the head of a class—the hares. For them, the pace of the class comes easily—too easily in fact.

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Un-Common Core: Where Does it Go?

Un-Common Core: Where Does it Go?

There has been a lot of worry lately among homeschooling parents regarding the “common core” curriculum. Judging by the amount of views by readers of this journal, it is the biggest issue of the day. But the problem is not so much in merely having a common core—it is in what that common core consists. Some cores are good and some are rotten.

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Where Can I Learn More About How to Homeschool?

8. Where can I find solid information about the Common Core standards? 7. This is my first year homeschooling. Where can I learn more about how to homeschool? 6. Should I look over the children’s tests before sending them to Seton? 5. How can I help them answer literature questions? 4. What advice can you give us for finishing the book reports?

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