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Tag Archives: seton

El Cid Campeador - Identifying 4 Kinds of Conflict for Book Reports

Identifying 4 Kinds of Conflict for Book Reports

Several of our graders and counselors in the English Department came up with some ideas to help students to understand the different kinds of “conflict” which students are to write about in a book analysis for high school English. We think this might be useful for all our parents and students when analyzing books.

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St Elizabeth Ann Seton on Her First Confession

St Elizabeth Ann Seton on Her First Confession

The words of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on the day of her first Confession are very appropriate: “How awful are those words of unloosing after a thirty years’ bondage! I felt as if my chains fell, as those of St. Peter at the touch of the Divine Messenger. My God! What new scenes for my soul!”

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Upon this Rock

Upon this Rock

Pregnant and nauseous, I traveled with my husband, kids, and parents to Emmitsburg, Maryland, to sit on a rock. Yes, a rock. It’s a long story that begins and ends with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. As I sat on the rock from which Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton taught her first three students, with my first three “students” Gianna...

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The 3 Marks of a Quality Catholic Education

The 3 Marks of a Quality Catholic Education

Every Catholic homeschooler knows the marks of the church – One, holy, catholic and apostolic. We recite them in the Creed at Mass, and they remind us of the nature of our Church. In much the same way, Catholic homeschooling has marks and characteristics too.

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The Chronicle of the Nativity

The Chronicle of the Nativity

A warm and Merry Christmas from all your friends at Seton, wishing you the blessings of the season and a holy holiday! For your delight, we offer below St. John Chrysostom’s "Homily on Christmas Morning”; famous for his 'Golden Throat' or words, it is a particularly beautiful and inspiring rendition of this sacred event.

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Why Study a Foreign Language?

Why Study a Foreign Language?

The study of a foreign language is an important component of a good education. Many studies have been done that confirm this. A research report “Regarding World Language Education: The Benefits of Second Language Study,” was published in 2007.

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Orange All Over Color-In

Caption this image! Why are the children happy? What are their names? Share your child’s comment below! What could be more fun than coloring a picture? Sharing it with someone! ...

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Where are Tomorrow’s Catholic Leaders? (World Youth Day Rome)

Where are Tomorrow’s Catholic Leaders?

Catholic parents seeks to shelter their children in their youth, so that they may grow in wisdom and holiness without constant battering from the world. But once they are grown and educated, these children no longer need shelter. They are able to take what they have learned and engage the world without fear.

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The Unlikely Convert and Martyr: Longinus

The Unlikely Convert and Martyr: Longinus

Longinus looked around and saw some rather unsettling sights: a tremendous storm arose, the earth trembled, the dead rose from their graves. The point is that Longinus SAW these things. You see, Longinus was all but blind, being afflicted with severe opthalmia.

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Pope Francis and ‘Heavy Lifting’ Evangelization

During the past several months, Pope Francis has insisted that priests and religious should go into the streets and do some heavy lifting in evangelization. Workers in the Lord’s vineyard cannot allow themselves to become complacent, but should seek out difficult tasks in the real world.

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Where Can I Learn More About How to Homeschool?

8. Where can I find solid information about the Common Core standards? 7. This is my first year homeschooling. Where can I learn more about how to homeschool? 6. Should I look over the children’s tests before sending them to Seton? 5. How can I help them answer literature questions? 4. What advice can you give us for finishing the book reports?

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St Euphrosyna: The Great Imposter

St Euphrosyna: The Great Imposter

She determined that she would run off and live an ascetic life as a consecrated religious. Her problem was that her father (by the name of Paphnutius) had the necessary resources to find and reclaim her if she simply retired to a woman’s monastery.

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bear, chocolate, color, in

Brown All Around Color-In

What is the bear laughing about? Caption this image! What could be more fun than coloring a picture? Sharing it with someone! Why not encourage your child to send it to their grandmother? Or parish priest? Or someone they appreciate? Each week, connect with a loved one through your children’s art, and then share with us where it went! We’d love to know!

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4 Preparations to Start the School Year

4 Preparations to Start the School Year

Whether you are just starting to homeschool for the very first time, or are an old hand at it, a new year gives a chance for a fresh start. Although every family is different, and each family must find its own unique way of homeschooling, there are certain preparations which will help almost every family to be more successful.

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How Much Time Should I be Teaching Each Child Each Day?

Would it be possible for me to combine my children in some of the same academic subjects, such as science, history, and religion? Yes, many parents do that for children in adjacent grades. You need to be careful about there being too much of a difference in comprehension. In religion, you can certainly discuss the same subject, such as a particular sacrament, but when it comes to memory work or testing, unless they are close in abilities, you should use the test appropriate for each child’s grade level. For instance, you may teach two students with the same religion book if they are both in Baltimore Catechism No. 2, but you may have the younger child take the tests for the No. 1 book.

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