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Tag Archives: society

The Family as a Natural Society & Domestic Church

The Family as a Natural Society & Domestic Church

In the teaching of the Church, there are only three original societies or communities on Earth: the family, the Church, and the state. … According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “The family is the original cell of social life. It is the natural society in which husband and wife are called to give themselves in love, and in the gift of life."

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El Cid Campeador - Identifying 4 Kinds of Conflict for Book Reports

Identifying 4 Kinds of Conflict for Book Reports

Several of our graders and counselors in the English Department came up with some ideas to help students to understand the different kinds of “conflict” which students are to write about in a book analysis for high school English. We think this might be useful for all our parents and students when analyzing books.

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Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Stillness is a thing which it seems harder and harder to find. The constant barrage of information that comes to us now is seemingly more confusing than ever. Years ago, I remember seeing pictures of Times Square, with its multiple electronic screens flashing messages to passersby, and I thought it would be a rather disorienting place to be.

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The Family: Cradle of Civil Society

The Family: Cradle of Civil Society

Pope Leo XIII| This is a suitable moment for us to exhort especially heads of families to govern their households according to these precepts, and to educate their children from their earliest years. The family may be regarded as the cradle of civil society, and it is in great measure within the circle of family life that the destiny of the State is fostered.

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The Family: Cradle of Civil Society

The Family: Salvation of Society

Pope Leo XIII | They who would break away from Christian discipline are working to corrupt family life and to destroy it utterly, root and branch. From such an unholy purpose, they are not deterred by the fact that they are inflicting a cruel outrage on parents who have the right

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