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Tag Archives: spirituality

Fatima and Lourdes

Fatima and Lourdes

Many Catholics know about Our Blessed Mother’s apparitions at both Fatima and Lourdes. Many also believe that the message of Our Lady of Fatima is of vital importance to the ...

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Channels of Grace

Parents are ordinarily the primary channels of grace for their children. This primacy as channels of grace for the children comes through the sacrament of Matrimony. The sacrament confers two ...

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The Beatitudes

by Rev. Robert Skeris The Gospel of the Eight Beatitudes is surely one of the best beloved passages in all of Holy Writ, and deservedly so. For the fact is ...

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the Holy Family- The Sacramental Life

Sacramental Life

Of the seven Sacraments instituted by Christ, three of them—Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders—may only be received once. Two of the others—Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick—maybe be received more than ...

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Television and Icons

When we view things in our daily lives, we perceive objects in a certain context. We see things in depth. Even though we may not be concentrating on the background, ...

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