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Tag Archives: world

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Stillness is a thing which it seems harder and harder to find. The constant barrage of information that comes to us now is seemingly more confusing than ever. Years ago, I remember seeing pictures of Times Square, with its multiple electronic screens flashing messages to passersby, and I thought it would be a rather disorienting place to be.

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Why Study a Foreign Language?

Why Study a Foreign Language?

The study of a foreign language is an important component of a good education. Many studies have been done that confirm this. A research report “Regarding World Language Education: The Benefits of Second Language Study,” was published in 2007.

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7 Ways Our Children Can Keep Their Way Pure | Part 1

7 Ways Our Children Can Keep Their Way Pure | Part 1

How can we as Catholic parents help our children keep their way pure when they go out into the world? We are living in a culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to all that is good, wholesome, and decent. Although we recognize that the souls of our children are ultimately in the hands of God, we also know that He has placed them in our care.

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The Importance of Fathers in our Search for God (Father and Child)

The Importance of Fathers in our Search for God

These have been a tough couple of decades for fathers in particular, and men in general. [People] attack men’s identity and undermine the whole idea of fatherhood. In the process, women and children are hurt, families are damaged, and our understanding of God Himself becomes confused. Let me outline three criticisms, or problems, which make our times especially hard for fathers.

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Pope Francis and ‘Heavy Lifting’ Evangelization

During the past several months, Pope Francis has insisted that priests and religious should go into the streets and do some heavy lifting in evangelization. Workers in the Lord’s vineyard cannot allow themselves to become complacent, but should seek out difficult tasks in the real world.

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Miss U, American Heroine

Margaret Elizabeth Doolin was born in August of 1900. A native of St. Louis, Missouri, she became a nurse and was working in the Philippine Islands when World War II ...

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