Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
List of Topics for Seton Magazine

Article Topic List

Here are some topics we are interested in, with ideas to kickstart your submission!

Send in a Query

Our List of Monthly Themes


All queries due by November 15th.

  • How do you celebrate Christmas and homeschool at the same time?
  • Share your customs and traditions from around the world – as a homeschooling family!
  • What Christmas memories or events can you share with our homeschool community?


All queries due by January 15th.

  • Vocations, how are vocations are fostered within the Catholic family, how does your homeschooling support discernment, your own vocation status and story.
  • How do grandparents/extended family help/hinder your homeschooling?
  • What size family do you have? How does it inspire others, how do you deal with it?
  • How do you encourage/incorporate/incentivize reading?
  • ‘Seton round the world’ – how do you practice homeschooling and family livingwhere you live (an opportunity to look at  your lifestyle with new eyes!)?
  • Spring and homeschooling: do you garden? Do you celebrate? What do you do differently?


All queries due by February 15th.

Lent in Homeschooling, observing the rituals and staying on track.


All queries due by March 15th.

  • Vocations, how are vocations are fostered within the Catholic family, how does your homeschooling support discernment, your vocation status and story.
  • How do grandparents/extended family help/hinder your homeschooling
  • What size family do you have? How does it inspire others, how do you deal with it?
  • How do you encourage/incorporate/incentivize reading?
  • ‘Seton round the world’ – how do you practice homeschooling and family living where you live (an opportunity to look at  your lifestyle with new eyes!)?
  • Spring and homeschooling: do you garden? Do you celebrate? What do you do differently?


All queries due by April 15th.

This month we focus on encouragement and ideas specifically for our unsung heroes in the trenches, homeschool moms. There are a number of ways this can be tackled;

  • husband/extended family writing about a mom’s trials and successes
  • strong women of history who inspire us today
  • a celebration of moms and their sacrifices
  • figures to look to for guidance
  • how moms do it – from your point of view


All queries due by May 15th.

  • Celebrating dads who have had positive impact on the family and homeschooling.
  • Ways to keep dads informed and involved about the benefits of homeschooling
  • How your dad was/is involved in education – what was/is unique about him?
  • How and why it is important for both parents to be involved.
  • Tips to encourage dads to get a little more involved.
  • Recognition of the little that dads are able to give given their work demands.
  • Any ideas?


All queries due by June 15th.

  • How does your family celebrate Graduation?
  • What do you do to mark the end of a homeschool year?
  • Did you attend the Seton graduation? Tell us about your experiences, and why other families should make the trip out as well!
  • What kinds of expectations and experiences do you have finishing high school?
  • What kinds of plans do you have for Summer? Do you homeschool on vacation?
  • How do you/you keep your students busy and learning when school is out?


All queries due by July 15th.

  • A list of your ideas and suggestions for gearing up the family and starting a new home-school year?
  • Do you have any special practices/traditions for how you begin a new year?
  • Any inspirational stories or examples about your experiences?
  • Is there anything unique about how you start your year?
  • Do you have a favorite checklist for success?
  • Are you new to homeschooling? What do you anticipate in the coming months? what thoughts and questions do you have?
  • Are you a veteran (+1 year homeschooling done)? What are the basics for getting through the first month?


All queries due by August 15th.

Making Seton Work for You

  • how you tailor the Seton program for your needs,
  • ideas, tips, tricks and suggestions to fit your environment.

Parental Teamwork, strengthening relationships between parents, and between parents and children.

  • What Mom needs from Dad to stay strong in a homeschooling environment
  • Keeping the family and marriage together through hard times
  • Supporting each other in how you discipline and homeschool the kids, handle the family and interact with the world
  • Motivating kids to learn – especially how does Dad do it
  • How to inspire your kids to share their day with Dad when he comes home
  • How a working dad and homeschooling mom can connect at the end of a long day
  • How to teach when you’re mentally wiped out
  • Teamwork practicals, building up your marriage, keeping hearts united
  • Spiritual practices that sustain/nurture a marriage when homeschooling
  • Ideas for homeschooling moms to secure some ‘alone time’ for prayer or personal time
  • How do you handle homeschooling when family members have the flu/family sicknesses?


All queries due by September 15th.

Staying on Track, restoring order and harmony in the family and homeschool, getting back to basics after time in the trenches.


All queries due by October 15th.

This month we are particularly looking for these topics:

  • Giving Thanks for Homeschooling,
  • Celebrating Thanksgiving in a Homeschooling family
  • exploring the benefits homeschooling has brought you and your family
  • The impact homecshooling on our community and future
  • expressing Catholic Patriotism in the home

General Themes

General Themes

Featured Families

  • how you discovered Seton
  • why you chose Seton
  • how it impacts your family today

Keep it Catholic

We are interested in seeing great content that speaks to our Catholic community, and the rich, Catholic heritage that forms the foundation of our curriculum.

We want to see how you teach your children to:

  • be well mannered
  • be well prepared for the Sacraments
  • explore their vocations
  • consider and respond to modern issues
  • be good citizens
  • be the next generation of leaders.

Homeschool advice

  • Tips and tricks for making homeschooling easier
  • inspiration and anecdotes from your homeschooling journey
  • how you integrate activities and homeschooling into your busy  life

Gardening & Homeschooling

  • how you make gardening part of your homeschool curriculum
  • eating healthy & natural medicines
  • children’s gardening experiences

Using Seton

  • how you make the Seton program work for you
  • hacks your family discovered in the Seton curriculum
  • your recommendations and advice for new ‘Setonians’!

Homeschooling & Working

For many families today, both parents working to support the family is a norm. As you can imagine, or have experienced, it can be extremely difficult to balance a job with schooling.

Do you have experience in this area? We encourage you to share how you make it work to inspire other families, and show that it can be done.

  • Are both parents involved in homeschooling? Do you both share, or does one oversee while the other manages family needs like cooking and housework?
  • How do the children respond to and deal with the parent’s work lives? How do you nurture a home environment and keep them focused?
  • Do you involve family/tutors/friends to help with homeschooling?
  • How does Seton help you meet your needs in your situation? Does its structure provide a peace of mind? Are the counselors a support for your busy lives?

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